We are a good example for other companies

Our ambition is to develop and manage the organization in such a way that sets a good example for all other companies, in terms of strategic clarity, best management practices, efficient operations and financial results, as well as successful cooperation with all target groups.

Fair and caring operation is the basis of our management principles

Our common standard of conduct is shaped by our Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics supports our employees in resolving ethical dilemmas and choosing the right behaviors.

We have also established ethical requirements for our contractual partners. The management of the contractor shall ensure that the activities carried out under their responsibility comply with the ethical requirements. Compliance with ethical requirements is a prerequisite for cooperation and non-compliance may be the basis for cooperation terminaton.

We have set up a separate department to manage the risk of fraud

Considering the scope and volume of the Group's activities, we pay great attention to fraud risk management. In order to reduce the risk of the realization of the risk of fraud and the damage that may occur thereby, we are primarily concerned with increasing the share and effectiveness of preventive measures, while maintaining the ability to detect and respond to fraud operatively. In order to manage the risk of fraud, the Group has established a special department and implemented the principles of fraud risk management in accordance with international standards.

We handle all notifications of potential violations on a confidential and anonymous basis

At Eesti Energia, we have set high standards for reliability, openness and honesty. To do this, we have provided employees, customers and contract partners with the opportunity to submit information about any behavior that they consider illegal, unethical and/or fraudulent. If the notifying person wishes so, we guarantee his/her anonymity. We treat all notifications received as confidential.

We guarantee transmission of information about risk

Eesti Energia's reputation and the fulfillment of strategic goals depend on the effectiveness of fraud risk management, as property and/or reputational damage through fraudulent actions or inactions can have a significant impact on the Group.

Fraud risk as a risk affecting the achievement of the Group's goals is regularly reported to the Ethics Committee, the Management Board and the Audit Committee.

Ethics Committee aims to ensure the timeliness of the Code of Ethics, advise employees on issues of ethics, and solve cases related to the disregard of the code of ethics. Questions, suggestions or hints can be sent to the Ethics Committee at e-mail address [email protected]. Once a year, a summary of the activities of the Ethics Committee is presented to the Management Board of Eesti Energia.

We keep employees informed about ethical issues

We have proactively provided our employees with information and instructional materials to prevent and/or resolve various situations using various channels (eg internal communication articles, notices on information boards, instructions, etc.).

Our ethical requirements are the basis for cooperation with our partners

We have prepared clear instructions and procedures for our partners, including the establishment of ethical requirements for our contractual partners, compliance with which is a prerequisite for cooperation and non-compliance with which may be the basis for terminating cooperation.

The management of the contractor shall ensure that the activities carried out under their responsibility comply with our ethical requirements.

Sustainability report

We include the Corporate Social Responsibility report (CSR) in our Annual Report.