Research and development at Eesti Energia
Research and development activities of Eesti Energia
Eesti Energia's research and development (R&D) activities are primarily aimed at reducing the ecological footprint of the company's production operations and developing useful and smart solutions for customers.
In its research and development activities, Eesti Energia values co-operation with both Estonian as well as foreign universities and research institutions. Our main partner is the Tallinn University of Technology; important development activities are also conducted in co-operation with the University of Tartu and TalTech Virumaa College.

Strategic focus areas of R&D at Eesti Energia
Development of useful, convenient, and innovative energy solutions for customers
Making electricity and oil production sustainable through the circular economy and the chemical industry
Accelerating the development of green technologies and integrating them into the energy system of the future
Building the electrical grid of the future
Development of useful, convenient, and innovative energy solutions for customers
In early 2022, we launched a research project in co-operation with data scientists at the University of Tartu, which will see the development of a dynamic and secure software solution for the profiling of customers' energy behaviour (both consumption and generation). The outcome of the research will enable us to provide services to customers through a higher value offer.

Journey towards sustainable electricity and oil production
Making electricity and oil production sustainable through opportunities created by circular economy principles and the chemical industry and through reducing the environmental footprint. We have developed a step-by-step plan for converting Enefit Power's liquid fuel-producing oil industry into a carbon-neutral chemical industry whose operations are based on circular economy principles by 2040 at the latest. As raw materials for the chemical industry, we will use oil shale, residues from other industries (plastic waste, scrap tyres) and by-products from our production processes (e.g., semi-coke gas and CO2).

Accelerating the development of green technologies and integrating them into the energy system of the future
Enefit has an ambitious renewable energy growth plan, for which we have launched several development projects in Finland, the Baltics, and Poland.
In the development of wind farms, we are guided by national strategic plans and the requirements and principles established by the plans.

Building the grid of the future.
In the construction of a more efficient and reliable grid, the Tallinn University of Technology is an important partner, with whom contributions are made to the development of both software and hardware.
Key areas of development in 2022 include:
- Fault prevention through optimised data models
- Self-learning grid management algorithms for simplifying the work of dispatchers
- Development of interaction between different elements of new business models on the basis of a microgrid
- Development activities related to grid operation cybersecurity

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About Eesti Energia
We create innovative and environmentally friendly energy solutions.
With smart technology, we are moving to more efficient and nature-saving electricity generation.
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