Energy Market Overview: The Coming has yet to affect electricity prices
Compared to July, electricity prices in Estonia were up 9.1%, reaching 106.95 EUR/MWh. Compared to last August, prices are up 13.3%. August was mainly impacted by windy weather in neighboring countries, leading to lower electricity prices in the first 10 days.
Lauri Karp to become member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia and Chairman of the Management Board of Enefit Power
Lauri Karp will assume the role of a member of the Management Board of Eesti Energia and the Chairman of the Management Board of Enefit Power, the energy group’s large-scale industrial enterprise, starting September 7th.
Enefit Opens Customer Service Point in Tartu
Enefit has opened a new customer service point at its office in Tartu, operational every Tuesday and Thursday. Consultants will be available to assist customers with all energy-related inquiries, and contract agreements can also be made on-site.